What if you could...

  • Bring the peace you feel on your mat into your everyday life

  • Practice yoga philosophy without spending lots of $$$

  • Master yoga philosophy like a yoga teacher without taking a full YTT

  • Fully understand yoga philosophy practices to take with you for life

  • Achieve peace and harmony both on and off your mat

Maybe you...

  • Feel confused in the yoga studio when the yoga teacher incorporates yoga terminology you've never heard of

  • Don’t know how to infuse yoga into your daily life

  • Really enjoy yoga on the mat, but feel like something is missing

  • Feel fantastic when on the mat, but you feel flustered off the mat

What if I told you infusing yoga philosophy into your everyday life IS possible...

  • Without spending a lot of money on a full Yoga Teacher Training that you may not feel ready for or even have the desire to take

  • To actually have your daily life reflect your regular yoga practice by achieving this inner peace and harmony you are looking for off the mat

  • AND without spending a lot of time or money learning these practices

There IS a way to master yoga off the mat

  • Without having to invest hundreds into a course

  • Without spending hours and hours on research

  • AND without needing any prior knowledge on yoga

I've been through these struggles! And, I've gained so much peace and wisdom through infusing yoga into

my daily life!

  • As a matter of fact, when I first started yoga I LOVED the on the mat practice, but I really felt I was lacking peace and harmony after I left class.

  • I felt that I was thrown back into the “real world” after stepping off my mat and didn’t think it was possible to achieve this peaceful, yogi mindset throughout my day

  • It wasn't until I actually started studying yoga philosophy until I was able to achieve the peace and harmony I was looking for off the mat.

  • By learning about yoga off the mat, I was able to discover SO many practices to infuse into my day to day life that helped me shift into a yogi lifestyle that has been life changing on my mindset

  • After learning how to master yoga off my mat, I gained more peace, harmony and an overall better way of life than I could have ever imagined

  • I am more confident and energetic than ever before after applying these practices

I've been through what you're feeling and I’ll show you EXACTLY what I learned within my training!

Mastering Yoga Off the Mat includes:

  • Education in yoga’s wisdom and philosophy

  • Exposure to The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

  • A deeper, clearer understanding of your own life

  • Clarity on your internal and external world

  • An overall understanding on how to apply yoga philosophy practices into your daily life to achieve the peace and harmony you’ve been longing for

… AND so much more!


Mastering Yoga Off the Mat

A yogi’s guide to infusing yoga philosophy into everyday life to achieve peace and harmony on and off the mat. This is a 100% online, self-paced course that you take on your own time!

Meet Your Instructor

Hi! I’m Pam, a Yoga Teacher, Online Course Creator and Founder of positivelypam.co

  • I first started practicing yoga in 2019 at a local studio. From my first yoga class, I had completely fallen in love with the practice. Since then, I have always been on the search for more information regarding yoga practices to take off the mat.

  • I really think practicing on the mat is important, but I found it so life changing when I began infusing yoga philosophy practices into my daily life. I was able to achieve peace and harmony off the mat and became obsessed with teaching yoga philosophy. I want you to have the life changing experience I had when I enhanced my life to a “yogi lifestyle” 

  • With my love of teaching yoga philosophy, I turned my learnings and teachings into a do-it-yourself course, Mastering Yoga Off the Mat, so that you can experience the true “yogi lifestyle”!

Mastering Yoga Off the Mat is a 100% self-paced online course program with a guide guaranteed to bring you from feeling like a completely lost yogi, to a yogi who...

  • Masters yoga off the mat

  • Understands philosophy practices to infuse into daily life

  • Achieves peace and harmony

  • Creates a better lifestyle and new perspective on life

  • Feels more confident as a yoga student 

  • Has a greater sense of happiness and appreciation for life

Upon enrollment you will have immediate access to all course content including:

  • Hours of video and audio lessons (over 20 lessons!)

  • Worksheets that include journal prompts for you to self reflect on your practices

  • Cheat Sheets on all of the yoga terminology you will be learning

  • PLUS 2 BONUS Modules that review an introduction on chakras and also specific meditation practices

Mastering Yoga Off the Mat:

Over 20+ lessons on Yoga Philosophy (Valued at $249)

Journal Prompt Worksheets (Valued at $49)

2 BONUS Modules (Valued at $99)

A total VALUE of $397, but you can get Mastering Yoga off the Mat for ONLY $47 today!

(This is the lowest price it will ever be!)

Get Started Now!

Your Course Curriculum:

  Welcome to Mastering Yoga off the Mat
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1 - Introduction to Yoga
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2 - The 8 Limbs of Yoga
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 - Yamas
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 - Niyamas
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS - Introduction to Chakras
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS - Meditation Practices
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Thank You!
Available in days
days after you enroll

"Everyone could benefit from this course, whether you are a certified yoga teacher taking a yoga teacher training, or simply looking to expand your knowledge on yoga philosophy"

Sarah K.

By the end of this self-paced course you will...

  • Have Yoga Teacher level knowledge on yoga philosophy

  • Confidently infuse yoga practice daily both on and off the mat

  • Step into the yogi lifestyle that you’ve been craving to experience

  • Achieve peace and harmony through practices

  • Gained more confidence as a yoga student

Is this course right for you?

This course is for...

  • Beginner yogi’s looking to enhance their knowledge on yoga

  • Intermediate to advanced yogi's who love practicing on the mat, but still don’t know much about yoga philosophy practices

  • Any yoga student looking for practices that will help them truly step into the yogi lifestyle

  • Yoga students looking for a quick and easy guide to yoga philosophy

  • Anyone interested in learning about yoga philosophy

This course is NOT for...

  • Yogi’s who already have a full understanding of yoga philosophy and their practices

  • Yogi’s who are not interested in off the mat practices

  • Yogi's looking for asana (posture) practices


When does this course start and finish?

This course starts right upon enrollment and never ends! It’s a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. You will have lifetime access!

How long do I have access to this course?

You will have lifetime access to this course! After enrollment, you will have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like!

Is there a recommended time frame on completion?

Yes! Personally, I recommend taking a lesson a day with 1-2 days off a week. This allows you to really take the practices of each lesson into the day without jumping into the next lesson too quickly.

I’m not a beginner yoga student, is this course still for me?

If you still don’t know much about yoga philosophy, then yes! I highly recommend taking this course if you’re interested in applying yoga off the mat

Will this course have any updates?

I am always learning more about yoga, so if I feel the course can be updated with more information I will add it in and you will automatically get those updates!

Is there a payment plan?

Currently, no payments plans. Just a one time purchase of $47!

Does this course have any yoga practices on the mat?

This course focuses mainly on off the mat practices, but there are some recommended practices for on the mat scattered throughout the course.

Do I need any prior knowledge on yoga to take this course?

No! This course is for yogi's that are beginners to yoga or yogi's who are interested in learning more about off the mat practices!

What format is this course delivered in?

This course is broken down into 4 Modules, PLUS 2 Bonus Modules. Most lessons include presentation slides as I go through each lesson. There are PDFs of worksheets and cheat sheets included throughout the course

Please contact [email protected] for any further questions.

This course is non-refundable. I’ve tried my best to make this a very affordable course for yoga students that includes several yoga philosophy teachings.

Before purchasing this course, I highly encourage debating if you are willing to do the practices. Remember, I am giving the information and practices for you to implement into your life, but it is up to you to actually apply them!

*Results are not guaranteed because they depend on YOUR application of the course material.

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