Hi, I’m Pam!

I'm a Yoga Teacher and Online Course Creator and Founder of positivelypam.co, a lifestyle blog!

I first started practicing yoga back in 2019 at a local studio. From my first yoga class, I had completely fallen in love with the practice. Since then, I have always been on the search for more information regarding yoga practices to take off the mat.

I really think practicing on the mat is important, but I found it so life changing when I began infusing yoga philosophy practices into my daily life. I was able to achieve peace and harmony off the mat and became obsessed with teaching yoga philosophy. I want you to have the life changing experience I had when I enhanced my life to a “yogi lifestyle.” 

With my love of teaching yoga philosophy, I turned my learnings and teachings into a do-it-yourself course, Mastering Yoga Off the Mat so that you can experience the true “yogi lifestyle”!